Dominoes is the third installment following in the footsteps of its sister stories Playing Cards & Chess Pieces and the last in the series.
After a rocky couple years, things are finally starting to look good for Casey and her family with her relationship starting to resemble what it once was and the bond with her son getting stronger as the day she can finally get full custody draws closer. Despite all of this, there are still those who wish for to problems for the young mother, setting off the dominoe effect of many more unfortunate events.
Currently in the works and in no fit state for members of the public to read, Dominoes doesn't, as of yet, had a solid plot line or narrative. At the moment, it is very much in its early days and most has not even been figured out by me yet. Chapter One has constantly been causing me troubles for the past couple months and the words do not seem to be flowing quite as well as I'd have liked, unlike Playing Cards which was finished within a couple months.
Much like Chess Pieces, which took a strenuous two years to complete, Dominoes is likely to be headed in the same direction and no distinct finishing date can be estimated. Ideally, I would like it to be finished by the end of 2012 however, if it follows in the footsteps of Chess Pieces, autumn/winter 2013 will be my most preferred deadline; anything longer than two years will be a really big disappointment to me.
Like its previous sister stories, each new chapter will be published online at where both previous stories can also be viewed, along with various collaborations and stand alone pieces that I have also written and been apart of.
Much love,