MJ here, after a very long absense.
However, I bring good news. I have recently uploaded both chapter one of Dominoes onto Protagonize.com as well as a brand new solo project that I'm working on *dundunduhh!*
Now, I'm guessing you're thinking, 'Whose this Hannah Graham person?' well I can officially say that she is my newest protagonist character for my new story The Candidates which, like my other stories, can be found on Protagonize.com. Here's a quick summary of what to expect:
The new and improved Hannah Graham is a strong-minded, independent and confident woman. But after taking a leap and leaving all that she once knew for the pursuits of a career as a professional writer in London's West End, has she bitten off more than she can chew? And what about the complicated love triangle that she's managed to trap herself into? Or would it be better to say square? Will picking the right candidate to give her heart to be as simple as she'd originally anticipated?
Good, huh? Well, I think so. Now, don't worry. This doesn't mean the end to Casey's story - by no means have I done telling her story - but it does mean that not all of my attention will be on the production of Dominoes as I had intentionally planned to do this summer. However, I am determined to produce work for both of these titles and post as regualarly as I can on Protagonize.com whilst holding down a possible two jobs over the summer to help pay for my student house in August/September time. It's gonna be tough, but I'm determined that I'll be able to make it happen!
Please visit www.Protagonize.com if you wish to read both mine and other talented writers' work. I can be found under MichaelaJakeReynolds where all of my work is available to read and is entirely free!
Until next time,
Much love,