29 July, 2011


This week has been very good for me on Protagonize.com and it all started with submitting my two completed stories - Playing Cards and Chess Pieces - to their Shameless Self Promotion and Completed Works group pages. Both have been buzzing this week and have made the top of this weeks recommendation list, which I am ecstatic about! A screen shot of yesterday's homepage, from the site, (left) shows the majority of the notifications I received about my work - and personal messages from other members - and also the recommendations list for this week; this screenshot was taken at around 5PM and grew quite a bit over the rest of the day :)
As well as all the recommendations, I've been gaining quite a few fans who I'm now currently discussing possible collaborations on the site. I've always wanted to be a part of a huge collaboration project on Protagonize.com and I'm really happy that I'm now being given the opportunity.
Discussion for this collaboration are well under wraps and are quite a stretch from my regular writing. For those of you who don't know, I'm quite a big Doctor Who fan and the basis of this collaboration will be a fan fiction story following the eleventh Doctor - who's played, brilliantly, by Matt Smith in the current series - with brand, spanking new companions, enemies, monsters and adventures. More news on this collaboration will be coming soon!
Until next time, stayed tuned and watch this space.
Much love,

26 July, 2011

I'll start by saying Hello...

This is the official blog of Michaela-Jake Reynolds.
Firstly, I'd like to say Hello and Welcome. I can't guarantee that I'll post blogs regularly, if at all, but I will try my hardest not to be anti-social and neglect posting updates about my work, what I've been up to or anything I feel appropriate to blog about.
You may have come across my blog from the website Protagonize.com, where I'm most known for being the author of Playing Cards and Chess Pieces. If not, and you've simply stumbled across my blog by chance, I will let you know now: I am an amateur, unsigned writer and I have written two novellas (as they're too short to be considered novels) about a girl who falls pregnant at fifteen-years-old and chooses to keep her pregnancy secret from everyone she knows and loves; including the father. For more details about my stories, click on the page links (above) or head on over to www.protagonize.com where both can be found on my author profile (MichaelaJakeReynolds) or through the search bar on the Homepage, along with other literary creations from thousands of talented writers from across the Globe.
In this blog, you can expect to find posts that may or may not be interesting or necessary along with sneak peeks at my current work and the latest chapters to new stories. I might also post the latest songs and books that I can't get enough of, along with quotes that I might find interesting or inspiring to me.
I hope that I have interested you enough in this post to make you come back and read more.
Much love,