This week has been very good for me on and it all started with submitting my two completed stories - Playing Cards and Chess Pieces - to their Shameless Self Promotion and Completed Works group pages. Both have been buzzing this week and have made the top of this weeks recommendation list, which I am ecstatic about! A screen shot of yesterday's homepage, from the site, (left) shows the majority of the notifications I received about my work - and personal messages from other members - and also the recommendations list for this week; this screenshot was taken at around 5PM and grew quite a bit over the rest of the day :)
As well as all the recommendations, I've been gaining quite a few fans who I'm now currently discussing possible collaborations on the site. I've always wanted to be a part of a huge collaboration project on and I'm really happy that I'm now being given the opportunity.
Discussion for this collaboration are well under wraps and are quite a stretch from my regular writing. For those of you who don't know, I'm quite a big Doctor Who fan and the basis of this collaboration will be a fan fiction story following the eleventh Doctor - who's played, brilliantly, by Matt Smith in the current series - with brand, spanking new companions, enemies, monsters and adventures. More news on this collaboration will be coming soon!
Until next time, stayed tuned and watch this space.
Much love,